All About the Crown Chakra

Discover what the Crown Chakra is associated with, learn to identify if it could be out of balance, and integrate tips and tricks in your self-care routine to work on that centre.

A chakra is an energy centre in the body, associated with different principles. You can use your knowledge of the chakra system for your self-awareness and self-development. These centres can be correlated to specific types of life experiences, lived emotions, and life patterns. You can use different tools, such as gemstone talismans or essential oils, to work on energy centres that you want to support or bring more awareness to in your life.

See also: How to Use Chakras for Self-Development


Crown Chakra Associations: Higher Self Embodiment

The Crown Chakra, found at the top of your head, is traditionally called Sahasrara, and is the energy centre associated with divine connection. The Crown Chakra deals with life lessons regarding your spiritual connection to existence.

The Crown Chakra is associated with our connection to spirituality. It is associated with a profound understanding of the interconnection of all things, and the joy of participating in creation. Through us, a greater force is moving. One can surrender to this knowing in full participation with creation, letting go of worries or fears, and fully enjoying life and what it has to offer. It is an energy of inner and outer alignment, associated with light, love, happiness, and the consciousness of the force that unites us.


Crown Chakra Themes

  • Higher Self
  • Expansion
  • Grace
  • Devotion
  • Divine Inspiration
  • Service to the World
  • Illumination
  • Surrender


Why you would want to work on your Crown Chakra

You could be interested in working on your Crown Chakra as you work on embodying deeper and deeper levels of grace, beatitude, gratitude and service to the world. This chakra is connected to sharing your energy with the world to participate in the co-creation of the world of tomorrow. This energy is all about incarnating the best version of yourself, and supporting the well-being of those around you. You may want to work on peace of mind, clarity of mind, and surrender. By enabling these characteristics within your energy field, you open yourself to be more aligned and more of service to the world to the full extent of your capabilities.

A trouble associated with an unbalanced Crown Chakra is excessive earthly attachments, lack of action and lack of vision.


Signs your Crown Chakra is out of balance

Here are examples showcasing how your Crown Chakra could be out of balance. It may be over-active or under-active, which leads to different expressions of energy in your life. 

When your Crown Chakra is over-active, you are completely disconnected from the world. Your energy does not flow down to your other chakras, and so there are no actions that stem from what you know and feel. You are attuned to divine inspiration, and are filled with good will, but no actions stem from it. You may dream of this connection instead of embodying it and allowing this energy to participate in creation through you.

When your Crown Chakra is under-active, you may be caught up with arrogance, egocentricity and mental rigidity. Your actions may be purely focused on yourself, even though you may try to make it appear otherwise. You may believe that you hold a privileged position in a hierarchy. The way you over-value yourself prevents you from being devoted to the betterment of the world. You may remain closed off energetically.


How to Balance your Crown Chakra

Balancing this energy centre involves caring for your spiritual growth, connecting to others in love and service and devoting your energy to your engagement with the world.

Connecting to such acts of service can take many forms:

  • Connect to spiritual practices such as praying. Connect with the gratitude of what you have, and visualize what you strive for.
  • Be of service, integrating new ways of helping others in your day to day life. Consider regular volunteering for causes you value.
  • Go on a retreat, to connect with yourself and God. Create time for your connection with your interpretation of the Divine. Look for the sacred in your day to day life.
  • Find out how your skills and aptitudes can support others. Sometimes, things that are easy and natural to you can be of great help to others
  • Use essential oils to stimulate your senses and anchor in your intentions

See also: About Aromatherapy


Crown Chakra Talismans

Different gemstones are associated with this energy centre, and are attributed different properties that relate to its principles. Crown Chakra gemstones are associated with ideas of energetic fulfillment, devotion, alignment and engagement with the world.

You may keep your gemstones in specific places of your choice. Some enjoy keeping them in their room, displayed in a pretty bowl. Others like keeping specific gems in their workplace, such as on their desk, to be reminded of their associations. You can also create a little ritual altar for yourself, in a space where you can focus on meditative practices and prayer.

See also: What is a Talisman?


Crown Chakra Gemstones

Here is a list of gemstones that can be used as talismans to connect you to the energies and concepts of the Crown Chakra. Click on their names to learn more about their individual properties. Another fun trick is to browse the pocket stone category, and see what you are intuitively drawn to.


Crown Chakra Gemstone Bracelets

A gemstone bracelet is a great way to keep in mind your specific intentions. The gemstone bracelet works just like a talisman, meaning it connects you with precise energies and concepts you want to align yourself with in your life. It can be seen just like a good luck charm, which keeps specific concepts of harmony, Divine orchestration, alignment and service at the forefront of your participation with the world.


Crown Chakra Essential Oils

Essential oils are amazing tools for energy work, as they have a very quick effect on the body. Your sense of smell is directly connected to the brain, and can trigger a physical reaction in as little as 20 seconds. Depending on the essential oils used, the reaction can be soothing, relaxing, grounding, energizing, uplifting or focus-enhancing.

If you are interested in learning more about how essential oils work on the body, you can download my free introduction to essential oils MP3 course here. In it, I delve into what essential oils are, how and why they are so effective on the body. After understanding this, you will be better placed to delve into how essential oils work on the emotional system and can be used for energy work.

Essential oils can support anchoring in specific intentions. You can integrate the use of specific oils or specific blends in your self-care practiced. For example, you may use them symbiotically with practices such as meditation, breath work, yoga or stretching. As you soothe your mind and body into a relaxed state, you will link specific scents to the experience, and will be able to use the oils as an energetic “pick me up” throughout the day, whenever you need it. This is a fun and playful way of connecting with the intentions and mindset you are anchoring into your lived experience.

The following blends were specifically designed with themes of the Crown Chakra in mind. Click on their respective links to learn more about the properties of the gemstones and essential oils they contain.

Higher Self (Amethyst) Essential Oil Blend

Mental Clarity (Howlite) Essential Oil Blend

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