Rose quartz is one of the most popular gemstones. It is easily recognizable and an easy favourite of crystal lovers worldwide. It’s gentle soothing colour and it’s associations to love and emotional serenity make it effortlessly one of the most cherished talismans. However, there are many, many other gemstones that are associated to the themes of love and harmony. In this article, we will go over a large list of crystals like rose quartz.
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Heart Energy Gemstones
Many gems other than rose quartz are associated to the themes of the heart centre, and revolve around love, peace, unity, joy, solidarity, understanding and purity. The emotional characteristics of this energy centre are very soothing. Individuals who are focusing on their growth often want to focus on this centre to bring an emphasis to the emotional dimension of their experiences as they evolve.
When we say a gem is associated to an energy centre, it simply means it is associated to the themes of that centre. In the case of the heart chakra, these themes are love, peace and harmony. These energies relate to love of oneself, just as much as love of others. Rose quartz is one of many gems associated to these themes. When looking into crystals like rose quartz, we can see what kind of energy patterns they are associated to.
The Heart Chakra Energy Patterns
The Heart Chakra can be energetically balanced, or over-active or under-active. These different states are matched with different energetic patterns. A balanced chakra is working optimally, and is an easy conduit of energy for the other centres of energy of our lives. An over-active heart chakra is stuck in very dualistic perspectives of wanting and lacking. Your energy is very affected by the ‘ups and downs’ caused by this point of view. An under-active Heart Chakra, however, is disconnected from the idea of love and uses varying degrees of calculating and manipulative tactics, to protect yourself from being hurt.
With both over-active or under-active Heart Chakra patterns, we find a need to nurture oneself to reach a place of emotional stability where true love, peace and harmony can flourish. Heart energy gemstones explore different facets of the energy of love, and can address more precisely the dimension of your lived experience.
Identifying Crystals like Rose Quartz : Love Gems
There is a simple trick to identify crystals like rose quartz, meaning gemstones that are most likely to be associated to heart-centred energy. It comes down to the color of the gemstone. Each energy centre of the body is associated to distinct colors, a bit like the colours of the rainbow. Heart-centred gemstones are usually green or pink. In fact, we can say that most green and pink gemstones are associated to this energy centre.
Green is a very soothing colour, which easily reminds us of the relaxing and harmonious hues found in the forest.
Pink is a very comforting colour that is easily associated to love and the idea of nurturing energies.
A simple trick when wanting to acquire new heart chakra gemstones is to go for the ones that are pink or green. There may be some exceptions, but the majority of the gems you will find will be associated to the energies of love, peace and harmony.
Top 22 Love Gemstones Like Rose Quartz
- Green aventurine: positivity and openness, emotional well-being
- Lepidolite: inner balance and evolution
- Chevron Prasiolite: conscious use of emotional energy, self-love, balanced emotions
- Chrysoprase: Love, abundance, prosperity and empowerment
- Prehnite: union of heart and will, unconditional love
- Serpentine: kundalini energy, fulfilling wishes, evolution
- Moss Agate: heart-centeredness, abundance, openness to the new
- Rhodonite: love and emotional balance
- Pink Opal: spiritual openness and awakening
- Unakite Jasper: strength of heart
- Tree Agate: nurturing oneself, maturity & self-acceptance
- Rose Quartz: self-love and love of others, emotional healing
- Pink Aventurine: self-confidence, gentle transformation, polarity equilibrium
- Green Jade: abundance, opportunities, emotional protection and serenity
- Pink Girasol: alignment and purpose, inner light and love, feminine power
- Rhodocrosite: emotional healing, devotion, recovering inner talents and gifts
- Ruby Fuchite: emotional strength, open heart, emotional healing
- Fuschite: compassion, emotional rejuvenation and elevation
- Green opal: awareness, openness, calm in the storm, rebuilding emotionally
- Kambaba jasper: serenity, in flow, eliminating worry and fear
- Green Jasper: nurturance and self-understanding
- Ruby Zoisite: integration, connection and surrender
Top 5 Love Gemstones for an Under-Active Heart Chakra
We mentioned earlier that an under-active Heart Chakra is caused by someone being extra protective of their loving energies, by fear of getting hurt. This can be compared to being constantly on one’s guards to make sure nothing will destabilize our emotional body and cause us pain or anguish. What is particular about this, is that this very state promotes a constant feeling of stress and anxiety that prevents you from actually feeling peace and harmony. Love requires bravery in the face of the possibility of being hurt. Love is knowing there are risks, and still choosing to engage with the world.
If you have an under-active heart chakra, here are the top 5 stones to consider using as a talisman.
- Green aventurine: positivity and openness, emotional well-being
- Lepidolite: inner balance and evolution
- Prehnite: union of heart and will, unconditional love
- Tree Agate: nurturing oneself, maturity & self-acceptance
- Pink Opal: spiritual openness and awakening
Top 5 Love Gemstones for an Over-Active Heart Chakra
As explored briefly above and more thoroughly in the Heart Chakra article, an over-active heart chakra is stuck in very dualistic perspectives of wanting and lacking. Your desires are very pronounced, and the feeling of not having what you want is also very present. You may feel a lot of ‘ups’ and ‘downs’ emotionally throughout your day. Perhaps you have gone through a heartbreak, or are really eager to get into a new relationship.
If you have an over-active heart Chakra, here are the top 5 stones to consider using as a talisman.
- Chevron Prasiolite: conscious use of emotional energy, self-love, balanced emotions
- Rhodonite: love and emotional balance, love through good times and harder times
- Pink Aventurine: self-confidence, gentle transformation, polarity equilibrium
- Chrysoprase: Love, abundance, prosperity and empowerment
- Green Jade: abundance, opportunities, emotional protection and serenity
Pick your own Love Gemstones
Now that you have a ton of recommendations of crystals like rose quartz associated to the Heart Chakra, you can expand your collection of gems associated with love, peace and harmony. We have a great selection of gems available online and in our shop. In fact, we have much more gems in store compared to online! If you are looking for special gems or suggestions, be sure to reach out to us by email or on social media, it will be pleasure to help you.
You may be interested in our Heart Chakra Crystal Kit, which contains many of the crystals listed above and is a great starter pack.
You can browse the pocket stone section of the website to make your personalized selection.
You can check out our crystal kit section, where we’ve tailored beautiful crystal collections by theme.
Remember that MANY of the gemstones suggested in this article are available in gemstone bracelets! Check out the bracelet section of the website to see them!
If you have other suggestions of love gemstones, or a particular favourite of yours, please add them in the comments!