Astrophyllite – Mont Saint Hilaire, Quebec


A beautiful astrophyllite specimen from Mont Saint Hilaire, Quebec, Canada, in specimen box with identification tag.

Astrophyllite’s name originates from the Greek words “astron,” meaning star, and “phyllon,” meaning leaf, due to its unique crystal habit resembling starburst-like patterns or delicate leaf-like formations. Its striking appearance showcases bronze to golden-brown crystals that often glisten with a metallic luster, adding to its allure.

  • Mineral: Astrophyllite
  • Locality: Mont Saint Hilaire, Quebec, Canada
  • Size: 2″ x 2″ x 1.5″ specimen box

Availability: In stock

Product Details

  • An authentic astrophyllite specimen from Mont Saint Hilaire, Quebec, Canada.
  • Mineral offered in specimen box with identification tag.
  • The mineral showcased is unique and is the one sent out.
  • Ideal for all types of collectors.

Minera Emporium’s exclusive collection showcases unique specimens sourced from the renown mineral locality of Mont Saint Hilaire.

Collectible Treasures: Astrophyllite from Mont Saint-Hilaire is a fascinating and rare mineral that captivates mineral enthusiasts and collectors alike. Mont Saint-Hilaire, located in Quebec, Canada, is renowned for its exceptional mineral diversity, and astrophyllite is one of the standout treasures found within its geological wonders.

Locality: Astrophyllite is a fascinating and relatively rare mineral found both at Mont Saint-Hilaire in Quebec, Canada, and at various localities around the world, including Russia (Kola Peninsula), Greenland, Norway and the USA. astrophyllite from Mont Saint-Hilaire is highly regarded for its exceptional quality and distinctive features. The locality’s rich mineral diversity, including rare intergrowths with other minerals, makes Mont Saint-Hilaire a premier source for top-quality astrophyllite specimens.