Rhodochrosite and Quartz – Pasto Bueno, Peru


A beautiful rhodochrosite and quartz specimen from Pasto Bueno, Peru, in thumbnail specimen box with identification tag.

  • Mineral: rhodochoriste, quartz
  • Locality: Pasto Bueno, Peru
  • Size: 1.25″ x 1.25″ specimen box

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Product Details

  • A beautiful rhodochrosite and quartz specimen from Pasto Bueno, Peru.
  • Mineral offered in thumbnail specimen box with identification tag.
  • The mineral showcased is unique and is the one sent out.
  • Ideal for all types of collectors.

Locality: Pasto Bueno is a renowned locality in Peru, famous for its rich deposits of rhodochrosite, making it a significant destination for mineral enthusiasts and collectors. Similar to other rhodochrosite localities, the specimens from Pasto Bueno exhibit the striking pink to rose-red color that characterizes this manganese carbonate mineral. The crystals from Pasto Bueno can display a range of hues, from delicate shades of pink to deeper and more intense reds, presenting a captivating visual spectrum.