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What is a Talisman and What it is Used For? Crystals as Spiritual Tools

Discover what is a talisman, what is the meaning of talismans, amulets and power objects, and how they have marked history from antiquity to now. Discover how crystals are used as spiritual tools in our modern world, and how to select and start using talismans of your own on your path of self-development. In this article, we will cover what is a talisman, what is an amulet, why gemstones can be used as talismans, and other tips and tricks about using gemstones for self-development


The meaning of talismans, amulets and power objects

Human history has been marked by the belief that the use of specific objects can bring support, protection, or specific virtues or attributes to the wearer. These qualities were granted by God or a specific divinity, depending on the person’s belief system and the characteristics of the request. The use of talismans is something that goes back thousands of years, and is still very prevalent today.


What is a Talisman? Definition of Talisman

The dictionary defines a talisman as “an object, typically an inscribed ring or stone, that is thought to have magic powers and to bring good luck.” The origins of the word seem to go back to mid 17th century Arabic, tilsam, possibly an alteration of late Greek telesma, which means ‘completion of religious rite’, from telein, ‘complete, perform a rite’, from telos, ‘result, end’. The etymology of the word, the study of where it comes from, gives us good clues as to define their meanings.

We see gemstones and talismans as tools used to connect us to our intentions and to our spirituality. These objects can be items displayed or kept in your environment, such as your home or workspace, or can be worn on you, like jewellery.

The difference between a Talisman and an Amulet

Many people use the words talisman and amulet inter-changeably. However, there are some important nuances between both terms. An amulet is defined as “an ornament or small piece of jewellery thought to give protection against evil, danger, or disease.” Some believe an amulet is used for protection, to repel ‘negative’ energies, while talismans are used to attract ‘positive’ energies, and give power to the wearer.

  • Talisman: attract positive energies and power
  • Amulet: repel negative energies and protection

Religion & Talismans

Certain people may reject the use of talismans or amulets due to religious principles, however, it depends which standpoint is used. A religious person could determine that putting one’s faith in an object, rather than God, is sacrilege. However, the object may also be used as a symbol of God’s grace and power, just like religious or ancestral relics. We see gemstones and talismans as tools used to connect us to our intentions and to our spirituality, and do not see this as opposed to religious principles. In our personal view, gemstones and talismans as symbols of God’s grace are in alignement with religious principles.

Crystals in the Bible

The Christian Bible refers many times to various gemstones, including rubies, sapphires and topaz. The twelve tribes of Israel were each associated to a specific gemstone. There have been many debates regarding the true nature of certain gems mentioned, because names were not the same and there is some ambiguity about which stones were being referred to, but the list revolves around carnelian, peridot, emerald, turquoise, sapphire, amethyst, agate, quartz, aquamarine, lapis lazuli, jasper and topaz. The Hebrews obtained gemstones all throughout the Middle East, as well as India and parts of Africa. For a complete list and debriefing of the crystals mentioned in the Bible, click here.

Crystal talismans Through History

Our history has transmitted us a multitude of stories, myths and historical anecdotes that showcase the use of crystal talismans all around the world. Many cultures transmit us information through their mythology and folklore that connect crystals and gemstones with magic and supernatural qualities. In the pocket stone section of the website as well as the bracelet section of the website, different anecdotes and lists of properties are given for different gemstones.

An example of a crystal talisman is obsidian, a type of volcanic glass, which was considered by many ancient civilizations as having protective qualities associated with the unseen world of spirits. Different cultures (that never even met!) all associated protection from negative energies with this specific mineral. 

Crystals as talismans for self-development in the modern world

Talismans, and crystals as talismans more specifically, are representations of subliminal aspects of life, filled with powerful psychic significance. Concepts such as love, courage, enthusiasm, are elements of our psyche and our human condition that are not found in the outside world, but come from within. By using crystals as talismans, we acknowledge that rationality and our conscious thoughts are not the only things governing the world. Meaning goes deeper, is found in more things.

Using gemstones as talismans helps align our consciousness with different principles, and supports keeping these themes at the forefront of our attention. Gemstones are talismans that support the co-creation of our ideal life. In this context, the qualities of stones represent potentials, which we can activate within us. Using specific gemstones as talismans can open us to opportunities and new ways of interacting with the world. Gemstone talismans support the conscious direction of our awareness and attention.

Overall, using gemstones as talismans is a great way to focus on one’s self development. To learn more on self-development, read this article on the chakra system. The chakra system is a simple way to connect to principles of personal growth and can be used to select the appropriate talisman for you.

Crystal and Gemstone Talismans

Gemstones are attributed different meanings and have many associations. They can be seen both as talismans and amulets, depending on what properties and themes are associated to them. For example, darker gemstones can generally be seen more like amulets, because they are associated to themes linked to protection, safety, a sense of ‘groundedness’ in the physical world, and safekeeping from negative energies. All other colors of gems can be seen perhaps more like talismans, with an attractive nature to specific types of energies. It is important to note, many colourful gemstones are also attributed protective qualities.

If you are looking for a gemstone linked to a specific intention, download our free gemstone keyword list! You can then select either a gemstone bracelet or a pocket stone that can be used as a talisman, aligning you with the energy you desire in your life.

How to Select a Talisman

Now that you know what is a talisman, you can consider different elements to select a talisman for yourself or for a loved one.

Firstly, your chosen talisman must be an object of significance. This object can be significant because you have a particular connection to it (like a pendant your grandmother gave you), or it can be chosen because it is a symbol of what you want to attract in your life (like a howlite bracelet that represents mental calm, patience and inner clarity). Your chosen talisman should be something of value, with aesthetic qualities that you appreciate. That is why selecting a jewelry piece such as a bracelet or a pendant is ideal for your talisman or amulet. All product pages on our website showcase the properties of the stone, so you can follow your aesthetic preferences to find the crystal best suited for you. 

Another thing to bear in mind when selecting a talisman is to connect with your intentions. They are the starting point to using any object for growth and alignment in your life. Your intentions are the gateway to all your self-development aspirations.

To learn more about how to select a crystal for yourself, click here to read the article “Which Crystal Do I Need”. It will give you simple tricks to connect your intentions and find the appropriate crystals for you.

Enjoy browsing the shop to learn more about gemstone and crystal properties!

If you want extra help to select a special item, reach out to us, it will be a pleasure to help you!


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