
Search Results for: chevron amethyst

Chevron Amethyst Bracelet - Bracelet Améthyste Chevronnée

Amethyst – Chevron Amethyst Bracelet – Priorities & Alignment

Chevron Amethyst Bracelet

Chevron amethyst bracelet, offered in 4 wrist sizes. This amethyst variety displays delicate white bands. Amethyst is easily one of the most popular gemstones on the market and is attributed beautiful associations in the spiritual community. It is a Crown Chakra stone, meaning it is associated to the themes of service and devotion. Spiritually, it is associated with elevation and protection. Emotionally, it is associated with letting go of habits that do not serve our higher purpose.

Chevron Amethyst Properties

  • Alignment with the best version of ourselves
  • Supports clarity to prioritize energetic engagements in one’s life
  • Letting go of toxic or non-productive habits
  • Embodying transcendental values; spiritual embodiment

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chevron amethyst tumbled pocket stone - améthyste chevronnée roulée pierre de poche

Chevron Amethyst Tumbled Pocket Stone

Chevron Amethyst Tumbled Pocket Stone

Amethyst is a Crown Chakra stone, which means it is associated with divine connection. Chevron Amethyst, which has distinct white bands, not only helps align us with the best version of ourselves, but also helps us prioritize where our energy is directed in our life. This emphasizes an alignment that is particularly directed and grounded in action.

Chevron Amethyst Properties

  • Alignment with the best version of ourselves
  • Letting go of toxic or non-productive habits
  • Prioritizing where our energy is used in our life
  • Inner strength and courage

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lilac amethyst bracelets - bracelet améthyste lilas

Amethyst – Lilac Amethyst Bracelet – Spiritual Growth

Lilac Amethyst Bracelet

High grade lilac amethyst bracelet, offered in 4 wrist sizes. This rare amethyst variety displays a lovely, lavender hue. The pastel tonality of this kind of amethyst is particularly attractive. Amethyst is easily one of the most popular gemstones on the market and is attributed beautiful associations in the spiritual community. It is a Crown Chakra stone, meaning it is associated to the themes of service and devotion. Spiritually, it is associated with elevation and protection. Emotionally, it is associated with letting go of habits that do not serve our higher purpose.

Lilac Amethyst Properties

  • Inner Peace & Tranquility
  • Emotional Stability and Relief of Emotional Pain
  • Alignment with the Best Version of Ourselves
  • Release of toxic or non-productive habits
  • Embodying transcendental values; spiritual embodiment

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crystal kit for focus and learning - kit de cristaux pour la concentration et l'apprentissage

Crystal Kit for Focus and Learning

Crystal Kit for Focus and Learning

This crystal kit is formulated with gemstones associated with processing and integrating information, ideal for students of all kinds. These crystals are aligned with the themes of memory, focus, productivity, critical thinking, problem solving and integrating life lessons.

Crystals & their Properties

  • Howlite: memory, focus, integration, patience, expansion of mental capabilities, release of tensions
  • Fluorite: mental processing, concentration, multi-potentiality, letting go of unproductive habits, positivity
  • Sodalite: intuition, inner knowing, truth, self-confidence
  • Hyperstene: calms and shields the mind, critical thinking, problem solving, grounding
  • Chevron Amethyst: alignment with the best version of ourselves, prioritization, inner strength
  • Petrified Wood: anchor yourself in the present moment, integration of life lessons, safety in transformation

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Crown Chakra Crystal Kit with 9 specimens

Crown Chakra Crystal Kit: Connection & Devotion

Crown Chakra Crystal Kit

The Crown Chakra is associated with our connection to spirituality. It is associated with a profound understanding of the interconnection of all things, and the joy of participating in creation. You can read more about the Crown Chakra here.

This crystal kit is formulated with a variety of crystals associated to this energy centre.


Crown Chakra Gemstones

  • Chevron Amethyst: alignment with higher self
  • Lilac amethyst: inner peace, self-awareness and spiritual growth
  • Howlite: mental clarity
  • Clear Quartz: harmonization and amplification
  • Moonstone: new beginnings and success
  • Milky quartz: harmony and divine feminine
  • Scolecite: spiritual transformation, deep inner peace
  • Buddstone: accessing and integrating ancient wisdom, energetic engagement
  • Apophyllite: Conscious connection, spiritual growth and spiritual healing
  • Clear Topaz: aura cleansing, mind-body connection, abundance, re-motivation

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capricorn crystal kit for devotion and determination - kit de cristaux capricorne

Capricorn Crystal Kit for Devotion and Determination

Capricorn Crystal Kit for Devotion and Determination

This crystal kit is formulated with gemstones associated with ambition, hard work, commitment, competence and determination. These themes are applicable to all, but are particularly attuned to the energies of the zodiac sign of Capricorn.

Crystals & their Properties

  • Red Garnet: passion, devotion to what we love
  • Mookaite: integrating life lessons, burning off karma, protection
  • Chevron Amethyst: balance of priorities, inner growth, self-development, intuition, energy cleansing
  • Red Lace agate: emotional healing, self-confidence, inner stability, heart-centered opportunities
  • Black Tourmaline: psychic protection, repels negative energy, grounding energy
  • Moonstone: new beginnings and success
  • Buddstone: accessing and integrating ancient wisdom, energetic engagement
  • Unakite Jasper: strength of heart

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virgo crystal kit for vision and dedication - virgo gemstones - Kit de Cristaux Vierge

Virgo Crystal Kit for Vision and Dedication

Virgo Crystal Kit for Vision and Dedication

This crystal kit is formulated with gemstones associated with reliability, service, creativity and hard work. These themes, applicable to all, are particularly attuned to the energies of the zodiac sign of Virgo.

Crystals & their Properties

  • Heliotrope: creativity, connection with natural forces, resilience, healing, detoxification
  • Rainforest Jasper: purpose, life mission, rejuvenation, faith, joy, positivity
  • Chevron Prasiolite: heart-centeredness, self-love, creativity, success, abundance
  • Galena Quartz: transformation, spiritual journeying, harmonization, overcoming limiting beliefs
  • K2 Jasper: balancing spirit and material world obligations, guidance, attunement, intuition and wisdom
  • Chevron Amethyst: defining priorities of energetic engagement, alignment and release
  • Picture Jasper: initiative, resourcefulness, integration
  • Amazonite: gentle alignment and creative self-expression

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Crystals for Each Zodiac Sign Article

Crystals for Each Zodiac Sign

Did you know it is possible to assign different crystals for each zodiac sign? Each zodiac sign is attributed specific strengths and potential weaknesses. By using gemstones, you can support and emphasize these qualities based on astrology.  At Minera Emporium Crystal & Mineral Shop, we offer a wide range of physical products, including mineral specimens,

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