
Search Results for: rainforest jasper

rainforest jasper tumbled pocket stones - jaspe forêt tropicale roulé pierre de poche rhyolite

Rainforest Jasper Tumbled Pocket Stone (Rhyolite)

A specimen of rainforest jasper tumbled pocket stone.

Rainforest Jasper is a Heart Chakra stone. It is also known as rhyolite. It is formed when gas bubbles are trapped in a lava flow prior to solidification, which creates pockets that are eventually filled up by other minerals, such as agate, jasper, or quartz. That explains the lovely variations of colour (and the translucent ‘windows’ in some of these pieces).

Rainforest Jasper Properties

  • Life Mission Alignment
  • Healing & Rejuvenation
  • Joy & Positivity
  • Faith in oneself and the world

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stability essential oil blend rainforest jasper roller - rouleau d'huiles essentielles stabilité jaspe forêt tropicale

Stability Essential Oil Blend (Rainforest Jasper)

Stability Essential Oil Blend – Rainforest Jasper Gemstone Roller:  Rainforest jasper is a gemstone associated with the Heart Chakra. It is a stone of spiritual teaching and nurturance. It is associated with peace, tranquillity and calming emotions. It is a stone of purpose, faith and higher calling. The aroma associated with this blend recalls nature. The freshness of the oil from the cypress branches is combined with the earthy fragrance of patchouli. These aromatic oils invite the movement of retained energies, confidence, grounding and stabilization through the flow of the present moment.

Cypress oil: Cypress has a fresh and clean aroma that reminds one of the woods. Its scent is associated with the Base Chakra. It has been used by different cultures around the world throughout history. It is attributed purifying, protecting and refreshing properties in regards to the energy body. It is a symbol of eternity, which calls forth strength and wisdom. Cypress is the oil of motion and flow. It invites one to let go of worry and desire to control. It brings a feeling of ‘rooteness’ with the flow of life.

Patchouli oil: Patchouli is a relaxing, uplifting and sensual oil. It is perfect to calm over-intellectual tendencies and ground energies to the earth. It is ideal for daydreamers. It stills the mind, and is perfect for meditation. It is the oil of physicality, associated with groundedness, confidence, moderation and connection to one’s body.


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Rainforest Jasper Bracelet - bracelet jaspe forêt tropicale

Rainforest Jasper Bracelet (Rhyolite) – Purpose & Faith

Rainforest Jasper Bracelet

Rainforest jasper bracelet composed of beautiful green beads with intricate patterns, offered in 4 wrist sizes. Rainforest Jasper, found in Australia, is also referred to as rhyolite. It is formed when gas bubbles are trapped in a lava flow prior to solidification, which creates pockets that are eventually filled up by other minerals, such as agate, jasper, or quartz. That explains the lovely variations of colour. Like most green stones, it is connected to heart energy.

Rainforest Jasper Properties

  • Connecting to your Purpose; Life Mission
  • Healing & Rejuvenation. Strengthens the Body
  • Faith, Joy, Positivity
  • Calm Emotions

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virgo crystal kit for vision and dedication - virgo gemstones - Kit de Cristaux Vierge

Virgo Crystal Kit for Vision and Dedication

Virgo Crystal Kit for Vision and Dedication

This crystal kit is formulated with gemstones associated with reliability, service, creativity and hard work. These themes, applicable to all, are particularly attuned to the energies of the zodiac sign of Virgo.

Crystals & their Properties

  • Heliotrope: creativity, connection with natural forces, resilience, healing, detoxification
  • Rainforest Jasper: purpose, life mission, rejuvenation, faith, joy, positivity
  • Chevron Prasiolite: heart-centeredness, self-love, creativity, success, abundance
  • Galena Quartz: transformation, spiritual journeying, harmonization, overcoming limiting beliefs
  • K2 Jasper: balancing spirit and material world obligations, guidance, attunement, intuition and wisdom
  • Chevron Amethyst: defining priorities of energetic engagement, alignment and release
  • Picture Jasper: initiative, resourcefulness, integration
  • Amazonite: gentle alignment and creative self-expression

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Crystals for Each Zodiac Sign Article

Crystals for Each Zodiac Sign

Did you know it is possible to assign different crystals for each zodiac sign? Each zodiac sign is attributed specific strengths and potential weaknesses. By using gemstones, you can support and emphasize these qualities based on astrology.  At Minera Emporium Crystal & Mineral Shop, we offer a wide range of physical products, including mineral specimens,

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All About the Root Chakra

Discover what the Root Chakra is associated with, learn to identify if it could be out of balance, and integrate tips and tricks in your self-care routine to work on that energy centre. A chakra is an energy centre in the body, associated with different principles. You can use your knowledge of the chakra system

All About the Root Chakra Read More »

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