
Search Results for: red aventurine

red aventurine tumbled pocket stone - aventurine rouge roulée pierre de poche

Red Aventurine Tumbled Pocket Stone

Red aventurine tumbled pocket stone is associated with the energy centre of the heart. This signifies that the themes it addresses are related to the concepts of peace, harmony and love. Red aventurine particularly emphasizes self-love and confidence. It is a talisman to use in order to boost our self-esteem and open our hearts to the abundance around us. Red Aventurine is associated with the Heart Chakra. 

Red Aventurine Properties

  • Self-Confidence
  • Optimism and Openness 
  • Polarity Equilibrium
  • Gentle Transformation

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pink aventurine bracelet - bracelet aventurine rouge

Red Aventurine Bracelet – Sweet Self-Confidence

Red Aventurine Bracelet

Red aventurine bracelet composed of natural, wine-colour beads, offered in 4 wrist sizes. Aventurine is all about heart-centered energies, linked to loving energies and emotional well-being. It is a supportive talisman for an extra boost of self-confidence and optimism. It is a stone of nurturance and kindness. It is a calming stone that supports the equilibrium of our polarities. Red aventurine is associated with the Heart Chakra.

Red Aventurine Properties

  • Self-Confidence
  • Optimism
  • Polarity Equilibrium
  • Gentle Transformation

Red Aventurine Bracelet – Sweet Self-Confidence Read More »

Large bead orange aventurine bracelet - bracelet grandes perles aventurine orange

Large Bead Orange Aventurine Bracelet – Inspiration & Manifestation

Large bead orange Aventurine Bracelet

Large bead orange aventurine bracelet composed of bright beads with various orange hues, offered in 4 wrist sizes. Orange Aventurine helps manifest exciting new possibilities. It is, simply by its bright color, a very joyful stone. It is linked to enhancing confidence, boosting inspiration and innovative thinking. It is also associated to calming stress or anxiety, as it helps establish a more solid foundation of belief in oneself and inspires motivation.

Orange Aventurine Properties

  • Happiness & Joy
  • Confidence, Self-Worth
  • Good Fortune
  • Manifesting
  • Refreshing Motivation & Creativity

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Mini Bead Orange Aventurine Bracelet – Inspiration & Manifestation

Mini Bead Orange Aventurine Bracelet

Mini bead orange aventurine bracelet composed of natural, very small orange aventurine beads, offered in 4 wrist sizes. Orange Aventurine helps manifest exciting new possibilities. It is, simply by its bright color, a very joyful stone. It is linked to enhancing confidence, boosting inspiration and innovative thinking. It is also associated to calming stress or anxiety, as it helps establish a more solid foundation of belief in oneself and inspires motivation.

Orange Aventurine Properties

  • Happiness & Joy
  • Confidence, Self-Worth
  • Good Fortune
  • Manifesting
  • Refreshing Motivation & Creativity

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Nurture Essential Oil Blend (Pink Aventurine)

Pink Aventurine Gemstone Roller: Pink Aventurine is a Heart Chakra stone, associated with self-confidence, optimism, loving energies and well-being. It is a stone of nurturance and kindness. It is a calming stone that supports the equilibrium of our polarities. It supports gentle transformation, focusing on the heart chakra and those below.

Green Mandarin Oil: Green mandarin is an uplifting, energizing, fragrant oil. It is very supportive of the nervous system. It promotes overall health. It is the oil of pure potential, strongly associated with notions of excitement, wonder, hope and joy. This cheerful aroma helps eliminate feelings of entrapment and limiting beliefs.

Geranium Oil: Geranium has a strong floral tone. It is the oil of love and trust. It is associated with emotional healing and openness. Receptivity and unconditional love are powerfully activated by geranium oil.

Thyme Oil: Thyme is the oil of releasing and forgiving. It has a stimulating, refreshing aroma. It is very energizing and is known for its stress-relieving capabilities. Thyme has been associated with courage since the Middle Ages. It is a great stimulant and increases circulation and thus can be understood as a heart-strengthening tonic. It has a cleansing and purifying effect, and is renown to balance hormones and boost the immune system. It is an oil of emotional release, openheartedness and forgiveness.

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Orange Aventurine Bracelet - bracelet aventurine orange

Orange Aventurine Bracelet – Inspiration & Manifestation

Orange Aventurine Bracelet

Orange aventurine bracelet composed of bright beads with various orange hues, offered in 4 wrist sizes. Orange Aventurine helps manifest exciting new possibilities. It is, simply by its bright color, a very joyful stone. It is linked to enhancing confidence, boosting inspiration and innovative thinking. It is also associated to calming stress or anxiety, as it helps establish a more solid foundation of belief in oneself and inspires motivation.

Orange Aventurine Properties

  • Happiness & Joy
  • Confidence, Self-Worth
  • Good Fortune
  • Manifesting
  • Refreshing Motivation & Creativity

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rough lepidolite slice - tranche de lépidolite brute

Mica – Rough Lepidolite Slice – Lepidolite Mica

A specimen of rough lepidolite slice.

Lepidolite is the name given to a lithium-rich form of mica, which can be found in hues ranging from deep purple to light pink. When it grows in the presence of quartz, it can form in a hard, gem-like format. Lepidolite is the cause of the shimmers within different types of aventurines, such as green aventurine or red aventurine. It grows into sheets or books, like these specimen showcase, when the environment allows it.


Lepidolite Properties

  • Supports internal and external balance
  • Supports decision-making during times of transition
  • Eliminates stress and anxiety
  • Inner peace and serenity

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crystal kit for stress and anxiety - kit de cristaux pour le stress et l'anxiété

Crystal Kit for Stress and Anxiety

Crystal Kit for Stress and Anxiety

This crystal kit is formulated with gemstones associated with countering negative emotions and energies and promoting contentment. These gemstones are associated to the themes of emotional well-being, internal balance, self-confidence and gentle transformation.

Crystals & their Properties

  • Red aventurine: self-confidence, optimism, balance of polarity, gentle transformation
  • Lepidolite: calm, inner serenity, dissipates stress and anxiety, supports decision making
  • Chevron Prasiolite: self-love, balanced emotions, conscious use of emotional energy
  • Green Quartz: stabilizing emotions, fearlessness, enhancing intuition and clear thinking
  • Amazonite: authentic self-expression, internal balance, spiritual alignment, creativity
  • Rhodonite: emotional balance and safety, love in all circumstances, self-esteem, compassion

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