All About the Third Eye Chakra

Discover what the Third Eye Chakra is associated with, learn to identify if it could be out of balance, and integrate tips and tricks in your self-care routine to work on that centre.

A chakra is an energy centre in the body, associated with different principles. You can use your knowledge of the chakra system for your self-awareness and self-development. These centres can be correlated to specific types of life experiences, lived emotions, and life patterns. You can use different tools, such as gemstone talismans or essential oils, to work on energy centres that you want to support or bring more awareness to in your life.

See also: How to Use Chakras for Self-Development


Third Eye Chakra Associations: Self-Understanding & Wisdom

The Third Eye Chakra, found at the level of your brow, is traditionally called the Ajna centre, and is all about wisdom. The Third Eye Chakra deals with life lessons related to the use of your mind, intuition, knowledge and wisdom.

The Third Eye Chakra is associated with holistic truth, wisdom and self love. It is the centre of intuition and discernment. It invites having positive, open-minded relations to the world, and being particularly sympathetic towards ourselves as we navigate through our existence and evolve. It opens up the individual to his inner wisdom, to intuition and introspection, and connecting to a world unseen. Faith broadens one’s understanding of existence and our individual connection to the whole. Maturity brings a new sense of openness to higher knowledge, and self-acceptance.


Third Eye Chakra Themes

  • Wisdom
  • Truth
  • Intuition
  • Self-Love
  • Self-Understanding
  • Self-Acceptance
  • Imagination


Why you would want to work on your Third Eye Chakra

You could be interested in working on your Third Eye Chakra to connect with your inner wisdom, to develop mental flexibility, humility and openness to possibilities. Working on this chakra attunes you to the possibilities of your reality, helps you develop your psychic capabilities and receive different forms of truth and wisdom. You may want to open yourself to the intricate interconnections of the world. You may want to broaden your self-understanding and self-acceptance, and your understanding and acceptance of others. This energy centre brings new levels of alignment with your self.

A trouble associated with an unbalanced Third Eye Chakra is that of illusory beliefs. This can directly impact your self-image, and your interpretation of the world around you.


Signs your Third Eye Chakra is out of balance

Here are examples showcasing how your Third Eye Chakra could be out of balance. It may be over-active or under-active, which leads to different expressions of energy in your life. 

When your Third Eye Chakra is over-active, your energy is not aligned with truth or wisdom but with delusion and misinterpretation. Your inner knowledge is warped by imagination, and does not lead to action or wisdom. You may be self-absorbed, and yet your understanding of yourself is obscured by deep insecurities. Someone with an over-active Third Eye Chakra may feel paralyzed by what he feels. Being overemotional prevents stillness from bringing him the peace and connection he craves.

When your Third Eye Chakra is under-active, your way of thinking is overly rational, dry and austere. You block yourself off from feeling and from tapping into the power of your imagination. You do not listen to your intuition. You are cut off from profound human experiences, and greater depths of understanding. In this case, knowledge is a tool to categorize and judge.

The alignment of this chakra may be dependent on the balanced energy of the other energy centres. One needs to develop trust in oneself to be open to deeper truths and wisdom. You may want to practice listening to your intuition or ‘gut feelings’. You could, for example, keep notes on the types of intuitions you get, what you choose to do, and the outcome that takes place. See if you can attune yourself to your inner knowing, and rely on it as you navigate the world.


How to Balance your Third Eye Chakra

Balancing this energy centre involves connecting to your intuition. Our modern world is very focused on rationality, which disconnects us from the wisdom contained in our bodies. Practices associated with balancing or strengthening your Third Eye Chakra energy centre will attune you to your inner Truth.

Connecting to your intuition can take many forms:

  • Meditate to reach a peaceful state and ask God/the universe questions. See what you intuitively perceive as the answer.
  • Keep track of your intuitions in your day to day life, and note when you are on track
  • Work on your self-image by really defining who you want to be, keeping that inner knowing at the forefront of your thoughts and actions
  • Pay attention to your gut feelings
  • Use essential oils to stimulate your senses and anchor in your intentions

See also: About Aromatherapy


Third Eye Chakra Talismans

Different gemstones are associated with this energy centre, and are attributed different properties that relate to its principles. Third Eye Chakra gemstones are associated with ideas of inner knowing, objective and subjective truth, wisdom and alignment with one’s truth.

You may keep your gemstones in specific places of your choice. Some enjoy keeping them in their room, displayed in a pretty bowl. Others like keeping specific gems in their workplace, such as on their desk, to be reminded of their associations. You can also create a little ritual altar for yourself, in a space where you can focus on meditative practices and prayer.

See also: What is a Talisman?


Third Eye Chakra Gemstones

Here is a list of gemstones that can be used as talismans to connect you to the energies and concepts of the Third Eye Chakra. Click on their names to learn more about their individual properties. Another fun trick is to browse the pocket stone category, and see what you are intuitively drawn to.


Third Eye Chakra Gemstone Bracelets

A gemstone bracelet is a great way to keep in mind your specific intentions. The gemstone bracelet works just like a talisman, meaning it connects you with precise energies and concepts you want to align yourself with in your life. It can be seen just like a good luck charm, which keeps specific concepts of insight, intuition, inner voice and inner knowing at the forefront of your participation with the world.


Third Eye Chakra Essential Oils

Essential oils are amazing tools for energy work, as they have a very quick effect on the body. Your sense of smell is directly connected to the brain, and can trigger a physical reaction in as little as 20 seconds. Depending on the essential oils used, the reaction can be soothing, relaxing, grounding, energizing, uplifting or focus-enhancing.

If you are interested in learning more about how essential oils work on the body, you can download my free introduction to essential oils MP3 course here. In it, I delve into what essential oils are, how and why they are so effective on the body. After understanding this, you will be better placed to delve into how essential oils work on the emotional system and can be used for energy work.

Essential oils can support anchoring in specific intentions. You can integrate the use of specific oils or specific blends in your self-care practiced. For example, you may use them symbiotically with practices such as meditation, breath work, yoga or stretching. As you soothe your mind and body into a relaxed state, you will link specific scents to the experience, and will be able to use the oils as an energetic “pick me up” throughout the day, whenever you need it. This is a fun and playful way of connecting with the intentions and mindset you are anchoring into your lived experience.

The following blends were specifically designed with themes of the Third Eye Chakra in mind. Click on their respective links to learn more about the properties of the gemstones and essential oils they contain.

Inner Truth (Sodalite) Blend

Learn (Fluorite) Blend

Mental Clarity (Howlite) Blend

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