
Search Results for: jade

Crystals for Aries - Pierres pour le signe du Bélier

Crystals for Aries: Enhance Your Leadership Skills with these Crystals

Aries, known as the Great Initiator, is a sign associated with leadership, confidence, and taking bold action. If you are an Aries or seeking to tap into the energy of this sign, these crystals for Aries can support and enhance your entrepreneurial spirit, helping you put yourself and your ideas forward with confidence. In this […]

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crystal kit for good luck - kit de cristaux pour la bonne chance

Crystal Kit for Good Luck

Crystal Kit for Good Luck

This crystal kit is formulated with gemstones associated with good fortune, to bring more sparkle in all areas of your life. These crystals are aligned with the themes of opportunities, prosperity, abundance and overall happiness.


Crystals & their Properties

  • Citrine: self-expression, authenticity, motivation, releasing blockages
  • Jade: virtue, prosperity, abundance, opportunities, protection
  • Yellow Onyx: joy and happiness, good fortune, self-expression
  • Red Lace Agate: wealth and prosperity, engagement, emotional connections
  • Sunstone: dissipates lower energies, benevolence, happiness, good luck
  • Lionskin Jasper: expansion and growth, self-awareness, flexibility, seizing opportunities

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Crystals for Each Zodiac Sign Article

Crystals for Each Zodiac Sign

Did you know it is possible to assign different crystals for each zodiac sign? Each zodiac sign is attributed specific strengths and potential weaknesses. By using gemstones, you can support and emphasize these qualities based on astrology.  At Minera Emporium Crystal & Mineral Shop, we offer a wide range of physical products, including mineral specimens,

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Buddstone Tumbled Pocket Stone - Buddstone roulée pierre de poche

Buddstone Tumbled Pocket Stone

Buddstone tumbled pocket stone. Buddstone is often referred to as “South African Jade”. It is associated with many interesting properties linked to activating the Crown Chakra, such as accessing and integrating information from ‘beyond’.

Buddstone Properties

  • Accessing and integrating ancient wisdom
  • Psychic capabilities
  • Reliability & Consistency
  • Self-Sufficiency, Energetic engagement

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libra crystal kit for ideals, values and connection to others - kit de cristaux balance

Libra Crystal Kit for Ideals, Values and Connection to Others

Libra Crystal Kit for Ideals, Values and Connection to Others

This crystal kit is formulated with gemstones associated with the themes of sociability, diplomacy, idealism and communication. These themes, applicable to all, are particularly attuned to the energies of the zodiac sign of Libra.

Crystals & their Properties

  • Lepidolite: inner stability, decision making from a place of wholeness, guidance, soul purpose
  • Blue Sapphire: wisdom and intuition, integrity, devotion
  • Rose quartz: self-love, compassion, emotional stability and emotional healing
  • Green Jade: love, trust, dignity, serenity, nurturing, protection, abundance
  • Apophyllite: Openness, Light embodiment, Vision & healing, release and alignment
  • Pink Opal: spiritual openness and awakening
  • Chevron Prasiolite: conscious use of emotional energy, self-love, balanced emotions
  • Peach Aventurine: prosperity, success, self-confidence, creativity and manifestation

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aries crystal kit for courage and initiative - Kit de Cristaux Bélier

Aries Crystal Kit for Courage and Initiative

Aries Crystal Kit for Courage and Initiative

This crystal kit is formulated with gemstones associated with initiative, courage, passion and creativity. This kit is perfect for individuals who want to support their entrepreneurial spirit and putting themselves and their ideas forward. The themes of this crystal kit are associated with the zodiac sign of Aries, the Great Initiator.

Crystals & their Properties

  • Carnelian: confidence, initiatives, physical protection
  • Red Jasper: physically grounding, protection, connecting and nurturing our energy and vitality
  • Yellow Jade: Luck, optimism, identity affirmation, independence & co-creation
  • Hematite: Mentally grounding, mental clearing, organization, concentration, focus
  • Chrysoprase: self-expression, abundance, love, joy, divine Truth
  • Bronzite: release of blockages, advancement through action, protection
  • Prehnite: union of heart and will, unconditional love
  • Serpentine: kundalini energy, fulfilling wishes, evolution

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