Huebnerite and Quartz – Mundo Nuevo Mine, Huamachuco, Peru


A stunning huebnerite and quartz specimen from Mundo Nuevo Mine, Huamachuco, Peru, in thumbnail specimen box with identification tag. This specimen showcases three particularly aesthetic huebnerite blades, through which clear quartz points have grown.

  • Mineral: huebnerite, quartz
  • Locality: Mundo Nuevo Mine, Huamachuco, Peru
  • Size: 1.25″ x 1.25″ specimen box

Availability: In stock

Product Details

  • An authentic huebnerite and quartz specimen Mundo Nuevo Mine, Huamachuco, Peru.
  • Mineral offered in thumbnail specimen box with identification tag.
  • The mineral showcased is unique and is the one sent out.
  • Ideal for all types of collectors.

Locality: Huebnerite mineral specimens from the Mundo Nuevo Mine in Peru are highly prized among collectors for their exceptional quality and unique features. Mundo Nuevo is renowned as one of the world’s premier localities for Huebnerite, a rare tungsten mineral. Specimens from Mundo Nuevo Mine may showcase splendid clusters of needle-like crystals, sometimes intergrown with other minerals, enhancing their aesthetic appeal.