Vesuvianite Cluster – Jeffrey Mine, Quebec 1


A stunning vesuvianite cluster from Jeffrey Mine in Quebec, Canada, in specimen box with identification tag.

Vesuvianite, scientifically known as Idocrase, is a rare silicate mineral that showcases an array of captivating colors. The Jeffrey Mine, renowned for its mineral-rich environment, has yielded some of the finest Vesuvianite crystals in the world, prized for their clarity and vivid hues. The mine is now closed.

  • Mineral: Vesuvianite
  • Locality: Jeffrey Mine, Quebec, Canada
  • Size: 2.25″ x 1.25″ x 0.75″ inches
  • Weight: 41 g

Availability: In stock

Product Details

  • An authentic vesuvianite cluster from Jeffrey Mine, Quebec, Canada.
  • Mineral offered in specimen box with identification tag.
  • The mineral showcased is unique and is the one sent out.
  • Ideal for all types of collectors.

Minera Emporium offers an exclusive collection of meticulously selected Vesuvianite specimens sourced directly from the historic Jeffrey Mine in Quebec. These vesuvianite clusters, raw and uncut, showcase the mineral’s true essence and timeless beauty.

Collectible Treasures: For collectors and enthusiasts, these Vesuvianite specimens offer a rare opportunity, as the Jeffrey Mine is no longer operational. Their scarcity and exceptional quality make them not only a captivating addition to any collection but also a valuable investment in natural history.

Locality: The Jeffrey Mine, located in Asbestos, Quebec, Canada, ceased its operations in 2011. The closure was primarily due to a combination of economic factors and health concerns associated with asbestos mining.