
Search Results for: red tiger eye

red tiger eye bracelets - bracelet oeil de tigre rouge

Red Tiger Eye Bracelet – Confidence & Prosperity

Red Tiger Eye Bracelet

Red Tiger Eye bracelet composed of natural, dark red chatoyant beads, offered in 4 wrist sizes. Red Tiger Eye is similar to Gold Tiger Eye, with an added focus on vitality, energy and self-confidence. This talisman of good luck and prosperity is also called Ox Eye.

Red Tiger Eye Properties

  • Confidence & Self-Esteem
  • Motivation & Energy
  • Good Luck & Prosperity
  • Advancements in projects on the material plane

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red tiger eye tumbled pocket stone - Oeil de tigre rouge roulé pierre de poche

Red Tiger Eye Tumbled Pocket Stone

A specimen of red tiger eye tumbled pocket stone. Red Tiger Eye is similar to Gold Tiger Eye, with an added focus on vitality, energy and self-confidence. This talisman of good luck and prosperity is also called Ox Eye.

Red Tiger Eye Properties

  • Confidence & Self-Esteem
  • Motivation & Energy
  • Good Luck & Prosperity
  • Advancements in projects on the material plane

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Matte Red Tiger Eye Bracelet - bracelet oeil de tigre rouge mat

Matte Red Tiger Eye Bracelet – Confidence & Prosperity

Matte Red Tiger Eye Bracelet

Red Tiger Eye bracelet composed of natural, dark red chatoyant beads with matte finish, offered in 4 wrist sizes. Red Tiger Eye is similar to Gold Tiger Eye, with an added focus on vitality, energy and self-confidence. This talisman of good luck and prosperity is also called Ox Eye.

Red Tiger Eye Properties

  • Confidence & Self-Esteem
  • Motivation & Energy
  • Good Luck & Prosperity
  • Advancements in projects on the material plane

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Large Falcon Eye Bracelet - bracelet grandes perles oeil de faucon

Large Bead Falcon Eye Bracelet – Integration & Support

Large Bead Falcon Eye Bead Bracelet

Large bead falcon eye bracelet composed of shimmery blue and gold beads, available in 4 wrist sizes. Falcon Eye, also called Hawk Eye or Blue Tiger Eye, is associated with gaining new levels of self-awareness and integrating it in our embodied expression. It is a protective stone, connected with both the Throat Chakra and Root Chakra. It is a great talisman against stress and anxiety.

Falcon Eye Properties

  • Psychic Support
  • Self-Expression
  • Self-Understanding
  • Uplifting Support into a New Way of Being

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Large Bead Matte Tiger Eye Bracelet - bracelet grandes perles oeil de tigre mat

Large Bead Matte Gold Tiger Eye Bracelet – Luck & Success

Large Bead Matte Gold Tiger Eye Bracelet

Large bead matte gold tiger eye bracelet composed of natural, high quality beads with brown hues and gold reflections, with matte finish, available in 4 wrist sizes. The matte version of this bracelet is more subtle than its polished version. Tiger Eye may be one of the very first gemstone talismans humankind has used. It is definitely one of the most popular and well-known. It has always been associated with good luck, and even today, it is worn by individuals all over the world.

Gold Tiger Eye Properties

  • Will & Courage
  • Luck & Success
  • Prosperity
  • Grounding & Physical Vitality
  • Advancements in projects on the material plane

Large Bead Matte Gold Tiger Eye Bracelet – Luck & Success Read More »

falcon eye bracelet - bracelet oeil de faucon

Falcon Eye Bracelet – Integration & Support

Falcon Eye Bracelet

Shimmery dark blue and golden bracelet offered in 4 wrist sizes. Falcon Eye, also called Hawk Eye or Blue Tiger Eye, is associated with gaining new levels of self-awareness and integrating it in our embodied expression. It is a protective stone, connected with both the Throat Chakra and Root Chakra. It is a great talisman against stress and anxiety.

Falcon Eye Properties

  • Psychic Support
  • Self-Expression
  • Self-Understanding
  • Uplifting Support into a New Way of Being

Bracelet also available in large bead falcon eye bracelet.

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Valor Essential Oil Blend (Tiger Eye)

Tiger Eye Gemstone Roller:  Tiger Eye is a Sacral Chakra stone, as well as a Solar Plexus stone. It is a stone of willpower and courage. It is associated with good luck and success in endeavors linked with the material plane. It grounds and centers one’s energy, and dispels fear.

Clove Oil: Clove oil is comforting and revitalizing. It is known as the oil of boundaries. It is a mental, emotional and subtle body energy tonic, restoring and stimulating all at once. It is associated with empowerment, protection, courage and proactivity. It invites free, conscious choices and joyful engagement with life.

Black Pepper Oil: Black pepper is fortifying, strengthening and stimulating. It is known as the oil of unmasking, inviting emotional honesty, authenticity and motivation. It fortifies mind and spirit, and is associated with self-awareness and integrity. It helps bring movement when one feels stuck, and invites one to consider the mystery and intrigue of life.

Patchouli Oil: Patchouli is relaxing, uplifting and sensual. It is perfect to calm over-intellectual tendencies and ground energies to the earth. It is ideal for daydreamers. It stills the mind, and is perfect for meditation. It is the oil of physicality, associated with groundedness, confidence, moderation and connection to one’s body.

Cedarwood Oil: Cedrus comes from the Arabic kedron, meaning power. This oil is associated with inner strength and courage. It is good for calming nervous tension and strengthens subtle energies. It brings a sense of support, belonging and community. Overall, it brings awareness of the connection of the individual to the whole.

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Matte Gold Tiger Eye Bracelet - Bracelet oeil de tigre doré mat

Matte Gold Tiger Eye Bracelet – Luck & Success

Matte Gold Tiger Eye Bracelet

Matte gold Tiger Eye bracelet with matte finish offered in 4 wrist sixes. The matte version of this bracelet is more subtle than its polished version. Tiger Eye may be one of the very first gemstone talismans humankind has used. It is definitely one of the most popular and well-known. It has always been associated with good luck, and even today, it is worn by individuals all over the world.

Gold Tiger Eye Properties

  • Will & Courage
  • Luck & Success
  • Prosperity
  • Grounding & Physical Vitality
  • Advancements in projects on the material plane

Bracelet also offered in large bead matte tiger eye bracelet.

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Gold Tiger Eye Bracelet - Bracelets oeil de tigre

Gold Tiger Eye Bracelet – Luck & Success

Gold Tiger Eye Bracelet

Gold Tiger Eye bracelet offered in 4 wrist sizes. Tiger Eye may be one of the very first gemstone talismans humankind has used and has always awed individuals due to the beautiful chatoyant effect it displays. It is definitely one of the most popular and well-known. It has always been associated with good luck, motivation, prosperity, enthusiasm and accomplishment. To this day, it is worn by individuals all over the world for its aesthetic look and talismanic associations.

Gold Tiger Eye Properties

  • Will & Courage
  • Luck & Success
  • Prosperity
  • Grounding & Physical Vitality
  • Advancements in projects on the material plane

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Sacral Chakra Crystal Kit with 11 Specimens

Sacral Chakra Crystal Kit: Desires & Life Force

Sacral Chakra Crystal Kit

The Sacral Chakra is an energy centre of the body associated with your desires and life force. It deals with lessons related to the use and exchange of our energy with the world, as well as lessons related to desire. You can read more about the Sacral Chakra here.

This crystal kit is formulated with a variety of crystals associated to this energy centre.

Sacral Chakra Gemstones

  • Carnelian: energy, action and courage
  • Red Garnet: passion and commitment
  • Mookaite: protection and integrating karmic lessons
  • Red Brecciated Jasper: proactive and creative actions
  • Red Lace Agate: inner fire
  • Peach Aventurine: prosperity, success, self-confidence, creativity and manifestation
  • Red Tiger Eye: motivation, energy and good luck
  • Mahogany Obsidian: release of limitations, growth on all levels, unlocking opportunities
  • Flower Jasper: inviting new energies and experiences, balance and creativity
  • Golden Chalcedony: evolution, harmony, healing, embodiment, inner knowledge
  • Bronzite: release of blockages, advancement through action, protection


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